Email Grammar Tips

You may think there is no connection or relevance between constructing email messages with grammatically correct sentences and conducting the functions of a competent businessperson. However, your clients may disagree. In order for customers to buy your products or use your services, they must have confidence in your abilities. Using proper gra

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Soccer Balls For Every Use

As long as there have been children, someone in every corner of the world has been kicking a ball, or some semblance of one, around the ground, at or through a target. Soccer balls have been improvised from every conceivable source, including animal skulls and bladders, coconuts, and even human skulls. Over the decades eve

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Slot Machines – Buy Your Own For Fun And Excitement!

Slot Machines – Buy Your Own For Fun And Excitement! Whether youre searching for the perfect game room item, or avidly love slot machines, youre sure to find just the right one to fill your desires. Not only does the Internet offer several gaming sites, theres also a wealth of slot machines for those who want to purch

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Exiting Your Company Gracefully

Since you own a business or plan on having one in the near future, you have an exit strategy, right? Your answer is probably No, which is typical for many people in their first venture of working for themselves. Every owner will eventually exit their business even if they run it until they die. But then what? Not having an exit strategy before, o

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